
Another Place, Another Summary II

I wouldn't really count our living arrangements in Cal City as "having our own place" because we were hardly there to own it. Laughlin is different, we got assigned our own house, and except for Xmas/New Year's break and maybe Thanksgiving, we are stuck here in our shweet new home.

My name is above the front door, how tacky awesome is that!

We did our best decorating minimalistically. Gotta thank a few people for the dining room. Thanks to Brian for the table and chairs. Thanks to Shannon and Maxim for the adorable salt and pepper shakers on center display. And thanks to Yan for the bottle of Armenian Kognak.

I don't know if this wall in my study was meant to encourage me or scare the rest of you. That condemned G-suit has my name on it, and no, you can't borrow it for next Friday night.

No more of Andy's handcrafted nasty-ass projector stand. My seat is beneath Darth Vader. Recognize.

Despite the spartan furnishings, we do still get visitors from time to time.

Another Place, Another Summary I

From California to Texas, this PCS was definitely my longest road trip ever. 3 weeks and 3 states later, I finally have time to blog about it. I prefer letting the pictures do the talking.
Disclaimer: Practicing photography while driving is highly awesome, and should only be done by awesome people. If you suck in general and at driving in particular, don't be stupid.

Hyeah, it really was hot outside.


Storms are always beautiful.

The Open Road.

A quick stop at Fort Bliss in El Paso. The Army is just...different.

Who knew that Texas is a scenic state?