There shall be no mangled 1/2" adapters today. There shall be no rusted nut unturned. We will dismember the enemy wherever he stands, at a time and in a manner of our choosing. We will take no prisoner. I shite thou not: We will be victorious in time for mid-day chow.
0930. The war is proceeding according to plan. After liberal application of the top-secret WD-40 and battle-proven techniques such as misdirection and forceful insertion/extraction...

the Nuts & Bolt Battalion of the Stability Arm & Ball Joint Division, the victors of yesterday, was downgraded to non-threatening entity status.

One firm pull, my ass. I should've paid more attention to the Fog of War lesson in AFROTC 100. Capt B, I've failed you.

Lessons Learned:
How to control our fear of the trenches.
WD-40 is the opposite of duck tape: one's for bringing together; the other for pulling apart.
Rust is a bitch.
Quote of the Day:
"Except for actually doing it, we did everything." --Gen. Lewis
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