Military Museums
Istanbul Aviation Museum
St. Petersburg Artillery Museum
There are two similar museums around Moscow. Stay tuned...
Sleeper Train
The room's dark, and the music sad yet steady. You coyly smile at me from far away, from long ago, and my heart thumps to your rhythm. Five is an eternity when it comes to ages, but not for us. With whom else would I row upon the rippling green and stroll along unruly rows of autumn maples? But now you're not with me, and I save the tears for myself.
Whiners within the Comfort Zone and the Russian Friends without
I posed a question: Did you expect to be happy here? I didn't come here for a vacation, I didn't come here to be happy. Happy is cuddling with Bubble in bed, not obsessing over the absent. Happy is drinking with people that'd die for me and I for them, not those that don't pay up. Happy is baseball in the open, not Tai-Chi in the Metro sardine can. Russia has never been a happy place. Happy is a bonus here, and I embrace it on every street corner where I find it.
I came to get out of my comfort zone. So far, I've been too conservative. Maybe I don't whine enough. When the online lectures didn't work, I dropped the class. When 3 people got the chance to teach English to Russian students and I didn't, I didn't bug Sasha. Iris is right, nothing gets done here unless you cry to everyone you know until someone listens and gives you what you want. What I want is a young Russian friend. But I wasn't about to cry and whine to get me one. (Can you feel a happy ending coming?)
In the sports complex of MGIMO, sitting against the wall facing four ping-pong tables, I felt like the new FOB kid from 13 years ago waiting courtside to be picked up for basketball. I was afraid to ask people to play, I was afraid of not understanding what they are saying, I was afraid to go find the office where I could rent a paddle and a ball for 80 rubles, I was afraid to suck in front of Russians. Step outside the comfort zone...here we go. A 16-year-old freshman Sasha asked me if I wanted to play with him. How can I refuse? We started playing. Playing turned into talking. Talking turned into exchanging phone numbers and promises that we'll do this again next Tuesday. Outside of the comfort zone isn't so bad, even if I can't understand half of what he said. As the sun set, I asked him if he was taking the Metro. He flashed a smile and shook his head, "No, in a car." O MGIMO, you Garvard of Russia.
An extra voice reverberated in the apartment when I got back an hour later. Zhenya, the mucisian-linguist and my host sister (get this) Zhenya's brother, came over again. We talked about music and languages, laughed over the poorly written Russian-Chinese phrase book. He taught me some guitar and I taught him some Chinese. There was no time for reading polisci papers in English, no time to think about useless thoughts and feelings in the comfort zone.
Ciao, Istanbul. Privet, Dunia

Istanbul: Para Agua y Soledad

Now let's burn some bridges. I loved the company over dinner followed by apple tea and expensive dessert, but our group seemed to have trouble paying bills in full. The concept of putting more than necessary and getting change back later remains out of reach for some, though I was happy to lay down the extra lira (or two, or three...) just so we could get the show on the road. Once, I understand. Twice, someone is just not pulling their weight out of their wallet. Not cool, and there would be no thrice.

Istanbul: Doing the Tourist Thing

Everywhere we went, I saw arrows that were pointing to Girls, but not really. At any rate, being the only straight male creature in our group, I really could deal with less estrogen. To that end, Istanbul was the perfect city; hardly any local women could be seen on the streets during the day. Male chauvinism was definitely the modus op. I didn't feel too kindly toward them, not with their persistent and sleazy advances toward the girls and racial disrespect toward me. I can't tell the difference between a Turk and a Kurd to save my life, but at least I know better than to go around saying "Merhaba" or "Shalom" to every Middle Eastern I see. Still, they seem like a rather warm and happy people, and that's a welcomed relief from Moscovites. Despite everything, I absolutely loved the hotel staff, who were geniunely warm and helpful and in all other ways wonderful.
Istanbul: What happened at 30k ft?
The trip was destined for craziness, and what better place to begin than the 3-hr plane ride from Sheremyetovo to Ataturk International? I used to be a strong Boeing fan, but now after riding on an Ilyushin-86, I can be a fan of Airbus, too. A few notes on the (dis)comfort level:
- thin ass seats and back support
- broken fold-out table. On my seat, naturally
little leg room, poor Becky
no overhead compartments in the center of the fuselage, which was unheard of in our concept design class. While creating a feeling of overall spaciousness, that illusion was soon shattered by the lack of storage space for many people's 2+ carry-ons.
- the seatback actually folds forward, which was kinda cool. I had fun squeezing Kristle in her slumber. Poor Kristle. This will come back to haunt us later though...
Finally came the long-awaited landing. Ok, a decent touchdown...Hey, why's he braking so hard? Ohmygod, the seatbacks all folded onto us like a La-Z-Boy in reverse. All I could do was laugh; this trip is going to be amazing.
Adapters vs. Converters and Why I Didn't Do EE
Not so good with my Sonic 6500. I should've used the converter, but instead, now my $80 toothbrush doesn't charge anymore, and I've resorted to actually brushing with the vibrational power of my hand. Like I said, I fucked it up. Sorry, Nika.
Goddamn the information revolution
I'm not even sure that I'll remember it when I pack away my $1000 Gigabyte tonight. What kind of sympathy is this?
妳今晚沒放下 長到秀肩下的棕色捲髮
球鞋上還帶著泥 我已知有什麼不同
妳不時的沉默 卻叫我心疼
沖不淡 妳心中的憂
洗不淨 妳臉上忽隱忽現的愁
在冷清的馬路上 妳怨這世界不公平
身邊的苦難太多 我無法不同意
在這擁擠的灰色古市中 妳感到寂寞
可知妳卻不孤單 因我與妳相同
在往北的電車上 我的心情隨妳南下
想要擦去尚未滴下的眼淚 卻做不到
才知自己的有限 原來朋友不是那麼好做
而妳雖面對著我 卻遠在紅塵的另一角落
心中的結 仍與妳的捲髮 紮成一球
7 Steps to dealing with a drunk in the Moscow metro
2. Divert his attention away from them by approaching, interjecting and starting a conversation.
3. Invite him to sit next to you on the metro. Be friendly, agree with what he says. Play the Chinese/American ethnicity duality as necessary.
4. Gain his trust, and then probe him calmly and amicably for intel. Determine his threat level.
5. Get your friends off the metro and make sure he doesn't follow them by keeping the conversation going. Some gentle physical and verbal "guidance" may be helpful.
6. You're on your own, get out of the situation ASAP. Try to end on a good note with a goodbye and a handshake.
7. Hope that he doesn't follow you instead.
FYI, I’m writing this post from TimeOnline in Okhotny Ryad underground mall right outside the
Equally unimportant: watching SCPD lectures here is a no go. Sorry Sasha.
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