
A Summary

I haven't posted for a while, though much was wanting to be said...

Last episode of Grey's Anatomy, Meredith was saved while the bomb squad was blown up when they gingerly cradled the unstable homemade rocket away from our antagonists. No mention was given to the men in uniform beyond showing the pink mist, no eulogy, no appreciation for their sacrifice. Meredith went home, and in just a few hours cathartically talked about her last kiss with Dr. McDreamy with, er, Dr. McDreamy. For those who care, this script speaks for itself. Uniformed people get no love no mo'.

I've studied harder since I've been living with Nika than any of the previous years that I can remember. I thought I'd miss the dorm life, but I don't. I thought I'd miss the dorm food, but I definitely don't. I love this, and I don't see how marriage will be any different. Until the baby arrives. Now that I have Martha Stewart Weddings from Downey's mom (Thanks!), maybe I should rethink the small wedding plan. Stop. Back up. We aren't even officially engaged. Oh right, you're wondering about parental approval. Haha, I'll be flying multi-million dollar killing machines and I need to get approval to marry whom I want? You've gotta be a fossil of humanity.

And it does look like I'll be a killer pilot after all. Eyes looked good (enough) at Brooks. No brain damage. Heart still pumps. And I even turned my head and coughed. I'm all but officially gtg.

This was most flavourless post of my blogging career.

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