
So what does it take to become a AF pilot (SWDITTBAAFP)? Pt. 1

I know, I know....that I haven't been fulfilling the nominal purpose of this blog. I'll try to fix that...

I'm currently attending Intro Flight Screening in Pueblo, CO. Supposedly it's a "weeding out" program that will take care of the would-be washouts at UPT. It hasn't been all that tough, yet; I've had some pretty decent flights due to the few hours of Cessna 172S time I had at Edwards. Except that one day last week when my IP completely chewed me out. Morale -> 50%.
We've been trying to catch up on postponed sorties by double-turning (flying twice a day) as many people as possible, but the weather is not cooperating. I was supposed to fly today, but that got CNX'd due to approaching T-storm. I'm not even scheduled to double turn tomorrow, but anyway, looks like my afternoon sortie will get CNX'd again due to weather. Morale -> 30%.
At least I've been taking some pictures...of everyone but myself, naturally.

We fly the Diamond DA-20-C1 Tigers. My official position is that they are very nice little planes. Nah, they're pretty cool.

Throw away your Microsoft 2007 Flight Sims. We tape the airport traffic pattern on the floor so we can practice the procedure while rolling around on these awesome office chairs. Real pilots are made this way.

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