
Na Dache

The dacha is Russian's summer house, where they can escape from the cities' hustle and bustle. In my attempt to live like a true Russian (I can assure you now of my imminent failure), this trip was a must. The camera's batteries died before I could get a picture of the house, but I promise that in a future post.

Feeding Dunia is always a chore, and without bibs, my resourceful Russian family improvised.

You would never know that the grandmother is a molecular biologist with an article due to be published in a prestigious Russian journal (PNAS?). Oh, she cooks, too.

Away from the city's pollution, a walk is a must. But little Dunia needs to be guarded from the cold. The Russians are deathly afraid of getting colds. Maybe because it used to kill them.

What can I say? Righteous.

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